
(hopefully it will be) an everlasting story

my 17th birthday's gift

I have 3 best friends; Lisna, Cisa and Aida. Lisna was the new girl at my highschool when I was in grade 11. Cisa had been my close friend since grade 9. And Aida was a new friend of cisa (and then me) more than 2 years ago. As time passed by, we grew closer, and from our names abbreviation, LeViSaAi was created; Lele also known as Lisna, Vivi or Evita, Cisa which is abbreviated from Citra full name, and last but not least Aida.
I became friends with Lele at the start of grade 11. I met her on the first day of school. For the first day of school, we had a non-studying day, she walked around the school with cisa and cisa introduced her to  me and our close friendas in grade 10; Sahab, Adit and Arrie.
The next person is Cisa. We were from the same Junior High School, and we were in the same class in grade 10. We knew each other so well and were so close that I even call her mom “Mother” and she considered me as her own daughter. Cisa, Ari and I were best friends even before Cisa started going out with Ari in grade 10. Cisa broke up with Ari later in grade 11, but cisa and I still remained the same. Even though there was a rumor going on which said that I stole Ari from cisa.
when I was in grade 10, we weren’t in the same class, even our class room was far apart. When we happen to see each other, we would say hi. If there was anything silly that I’ce done, she would always comment. But I didn’t even know her name. until the first day in grade 11, cisa called out to her in front of me. When I asked her, she told me they were classmates. Aida, finnaly I know her name.
The four of us had the same hobby that is taking a stroll in places we haven’t been to and taking pictures of ourselves. And there was another thing in common, we either had a crush on the same guy or, in the most extreme case, had a particular ‘story’ with the same person. Even so, it doesn’t mean that we have to be jealous one another or despite the person. We believe that everything is meant to be, so just be it.
Until now, we are still best friends, even though we had our arguments, rows, fights and quarrels, we always managed to make up again by opening a ‘forum’ where we talk with cool heads and solve the problems together. And I am waiting for 28th November 2011, which is our 3rd anniversary. I can’t believe time went by so fast, but still we had so much experience together. Best Friends Forever, 

adapted from cisa's note

Nama lengkapnya Lisna Ariani Utami, tapi kita biasa manggil dia Lele. Aneh? Emang.. alesannya simple aja, soalnya dia BERKUMIS! :D (tapi jangan salah, itu lho daya tariknya dia). Paling muda. manja. paling ‘polos’. PENAKUT. suaranya itu lho, aduhaiiii (turunan mama ya neng? :D). suka hebring sendiri. Inget waktu awalnya dia takut temenan sama kita karena denger cerita orang. Asli, lucu banget. Dia tiba-tiba ngehindar ga jelas gitu. Sampe akhirnya berani gabung lagi. (tau kan akhirnya siapa kita?? :*)

Citra Sandy Anastasia a.k.a Cisa (Cuma singkatan nama dia kok). Paling TUA(hhaha.. cinta banget ngucapin itu ke dia). Paling riweuh. Kalo udah berargumen, wuiiihhh yahudd (walau kadang ga mau kalah). pernah dulu saking betenya sama gosipan orang, kita dibantu adit sama arrie sengaja nyebarin gossip. Dan bodohnya orang-orang percaya! (kita yang terlalu hebat acting-nya apa mereka yang kelewat *sensor*?? :D)

Aida Nurrokhi Kamia. Panggilannya? Daai.. Kenapa? Ai-da -> da-ai. As simple as ‘Lele’ and ‘Cisa’. tenang. Cuek. FREAK! (like me..) pinter banget berkata-kata. Misterius (walau gue selalu bisa nebak :p). 1 hal yang ga pernah bisa dilupain, pingsan bareng waktu upacara bendera terakhir! Sumpah kocak banget. Kalo ga salah sih dia lagi ada masalah sama siapaaaa gitu (pura-pura lupa).. kalo gue 
kenapa? Ada deeeehhhh.. (ga semua hal harus lo tau.. :D)

sekarang semuanya udah mencar-mencar. yang 1 di depok, 1 di jogja, 1 di bandung, yang 1 tetep di serang (jaga kandang :D). tapi kita tetep tau satu sama lain tentang semuanya, siapa apa kapan dimana kenapa dan gimananya yang lain.

even in the storm, we'll find some lights. they'll always be my lights. no matter what happen with me.. love you LeViSaAi 

supermen's girl

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